
Integra Connect Announces EHR Partnerships With Three Leading Community Oncology Practices

Written by Integra Connect | Jul 24, 2018 12:30:00 PM

Integra Connect  

Augusta Oncology Goes Live, While Utah Cancer Specialists and Hudson Valley Cancer Center Select Integra Connect’s Technology to Replace Legacy EHRs and Advance High-Quality, Personalized Patient Care

West Palm Beach, FL – Integra Connect, the leading provider of technologies and services for value-based specialty care, today announced partnerships with three of the nation’s pre-eminent independent community oncology practices, who are replacing their legacy EHRs with Integra Connect’s EHR Solution for Oncology. Augusta Oncology, whose eight oncologists provide high-quality, compassionate cancer care across two locations in Georgia, has recently gone live with the Integra Connect EHR solution.

“Community oncology is evolving rapidly, with the need to care for our patients more holistically, across all settings of care and co-morbidities – all while staying abreast of the latest treatment options. Legacy EHRs were designed to document office encounters and not to enable the rich data and analytics that we require today,” said Traci Duffie, CEO of Augusta Oncology. “Integra Connect has brought a truly innovative solution to market that raises the bar for how an EHR can actively support our practice. We’ve been very pleased with our practice’s initial experiences with the solution and look forward to leveraging this powerful new tool to support increasingly personalized care for our patients.”

Utah Cancer Specialists, the largest community-based oncology practice in Utah with 30 providers, selected Integra Connect’s EHR Solution for Oncology and has begun to implement it across its nine locations.

“Utah Cancer Specialists has a longstanding commitment to embracing technology innovation in service of better patient experience and care, with a particular focus on groundbreaking research and therapies,” said Randy Erickson, director of clinical services at Utah Cancer Specialists. “We chose to replace our EHR with Integra Connect’s solution after a thorough evaluation. Only Integra Connect was architected specifically to capture, integrate, and surface beneficial data at the point of care to help match our patients with optimal treatments and manage their progress over time – as our practice journeys toward the vision of precision medicine.”

Hudson Valley Cancer Center (HVCC), a physician-led practice with 16 providers across five locations in three New York state counties, chose Integra Connect’s EHR to help further its mission of comprehensive patient care. “At HVCC, our patients are like family and a superior experience is paramount,” said Dr. Ram Kancherla, managing partner of HVCC. “We chose Integra Connect’s solution because it was designed with the patient at the center, including workflows and decision support that enhance the ability of our teams to focus on delivering the highest-quality care.”

Integra Connect’s EHR Solution for Oncology was purpose-built to support community oncology providers, patients, and practices to thrive in the new era of value-based care. Unlike legacy EHRs designed for data-entry requirements – not practice workflows – Integra Connect’s EHR enables increased efficiency while improving clinical outcomes. Highlights of its innovations include:

  • A Clinical Hub that serves as the primary documentation point for the provider as well as the “hub” for accessing patient information. The single, holistic patient view provides visibility into a complete clinical record and enables providers to complete documentation for charting, ordering and notes, as well as to view labs and trends, all from a single screen.
  • Rules-based mapping of common data elements enables the auto-fill of equivalent fields, which reduces data entry; improves encounter efficiency; and ensures a single source of truth. For example, discrete data from lab results automatically flows to the Clinical Hub and dosage changes made to the Clinical Hub populates the Medication Administration Record (MAR).
  • Transformation of practices’ data into “smart data” by integrating clinical decision support tools directly into the Clinical Hub. For example, from the Clinical Hub, users can select multiple rows, such as a lab field and a regimen, to produce a pop-up graph that visually represents how a tumor marker is impacted by a specific treatment.
  • Highly configurable design to meet the requirements of each specific practice, including arrangement of template elements, addition of content, workflow order, and more.

Because the Integra Connect’s EHR Solution for Oncology was developed on the IntegraCloud platform, it fully integrates with Integra Connect’s complete suite of solutions, including Integra Connect Intelligence and the Integra Connect Care Management Application, to facilitate advanced analytics, patient risk stratification, care coordination and more.

“Integra Connect is honored to partner with these leading practices and provide an EHR that will help them succeed clinically and financially as the community oncology landscape rapidly evolves,” said Charles Saunders, MD, CEO of Integra Connect. “With so much at stake, practices deserve a new option that will remove an anchor to the fee-for-service past and enable them to capture, harness, and act upon rich patient data at the point of care.”

Alyssa Howerton  
240 816 1645 

SOURCE Integra Connect